如何在Laravel应用程序中使用模型工厂?下面本篇文章给大家介绍一下在测试中使用 Laravel 模型工程的方法,希望对大家有所帮助!
Laravel 模型工厂是你可以在应用程序中进行测试时使用的最佳功能之一。它们提供了一种定义可预测且易于复制的数据的方法,以便你的测试保持一致和可控。
让我们从一个简单的例子开始。我们有一个用于写博客的应用程序,所以很自然地,我们有一个 Post
模型,该模型具有发布、起草或排队的状态。让我们看一下这个例子的 Eloquent 模型:
declare(strict_types=1); namespace App\Models; use App\Publishing\Enums\PostStatus; use Illuminate\Database\Model; class Post extends Model { protected $fillable = [ 'title', 'slug', 'content', 'status', 'published_at', ]; protected $casts = [ 'status' => PostStatus::class, 'published_at' => 'datetime', ]; }
正如你在此处看到的,我们有一个用于状态列的 Enum,我们现在将对其进行设计。在这里使用枚举允许我们利用 PHP 8.1 的特性,而不是纯字符串、布尔标志或混乱的数据库枚举。
declare(strict_types=1); namespace App\Publishing\Enums; enum PostStatus: string { case PUBLISHED = 'published'; case DRAFT = 'draft'; case QUEUED = 'queued'; }
declare(strict_types=1); namespace Database\Factories; use App\Models\Post; use App\Publishing\Enums\PostStatus; use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Factories\Factory; use Illuminate\Support\Arr; use Illuminate\Support\Str; class PostFactory extends Factory { protected $model = Post::class; public function definition(): array { $title = $this->faker->sentence(); $status = Arr::random(PostStatus::cases()); return [ 'title' => $title, 'slug' => Str::slug($title), 'content' => $this->faker->paragraph(), 'status' => $status->value, 'published_at' => $status === PostStatus::PUBLISHED ? now() : null, ]; } }
所以在我们的测试中,我们现在可以快速调用我们的 post factory 为我们创建一个 post。让我们看看我们可以如何做到这一点:
it('can update a post', function () { $post = Post::factory()->create(); putJson( route('api.posts.update', $post->slug), ['content' => 'test content', )->assertSuccessful(); expect( $post->refresh() )->content->toEqual('test content'); });
it('can update a post', function () { $post = Post::factory()->create([ 'type' => PostStatus::DRAFT->value, ]); putJson( route('api.posts.update', $post->slug), ['content' => 'test content', )->assertSuccessful(); expect( $post->refresh() )->content->toEqual('test content'); });
完美,我们可以将一个参数传递给 create 方法,以确保我们在创建它时设置正确的类型,这样我们的业务规则就不会抱怨。但是这样写有点麻烦,所以让我们稍微重构一下我们的工厂,添加修改状态的方法:
declare(strict_types=1); namespace Database\Factories; use App\Models\Post; use App\Publishing\Enums\PostStatus; use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Factories\Factory; use Illuminate\Support\Str; class PostFactory extends Factory { protected $model = Post::class; public function definition(): array { $title = $this->faker->sentence(); return [ 'title' => $title, 'slug' => Str::slug($title), 'content' => $this->faker->paragraph(), 'status' => PostStatus::DRAFT->value, 'published_at' => null, ]; } public function published(): static { return $this->state( fn (array $attributes): array => [ 'status' => PostStatus::PUBLISHED->value, 'published_at' => now(), ], ); } }
我们为工厂设置了默认值,以便所有新创建的帖子都是草稿。然后我们添加一个设置要发布的状态的方法,它将使用正确的 Enum 值并设置发布日期 - 在测试环境中更具可预测性和可重复性。让我们看看我们的测试现在是什么样子:
it('can update a post', function () { $post = Post::factory()->create(); putJson( route('api.posts.update', $post->slug), ['content' => 'test content', )->assertSuccessful(); expect( $post->refresh() )->content->toEqual('test content'); });
it('returns an error when trying to update a published post', function () { $post = Post::factory()->published()->create(); putJson( route('api.posts.update', $post->slug), ['content' => 'test content', )->assertStatus(Http::UNPROCESSABLE_ENTITY()); expect( $post->refresh() )->content->toEqual($post->content); });
declare(strict_types=1); namespace Database\Factories; use App\Models\Post; use App\Publishing\Enums\PostStatus; use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Factories\Factory; use Illuminate\Support\Str; class PostFactory extends Factory { protected $model = Post::class; public function definition(): array { return [ 'title' => $title = $this->faker->sentence(), 'slug' => Str::slug($title), 'content' => $this->faker->paragraph(), 'status' => PostStatus::DRAFT->value, 'published_at' => null, ]; } public function published(): static { return $this->state( fn (array $attributes): array => [ 'status' => PostStatus::PUBLISHED->value, 'published_at' => now(), ], ); } public function title(string $title): static { return $this->state( fn (array $attributes): array => [ 'title' => $title, 'slug' => Str::slug($title), ], ); } }
因此,在我们的测试中,我们可以创建一个新测试,以确保我们可以通过我们的 API 更新草稿帖子标题:
it('can update a draft posts title', function () { $post = Post::factory()->title('test')->create(); putJson( route('api.posts.update', $post->slug), ['title' => 'new title', )->assertSuccessful(); expect( $post->refresh() )->title->toEqual('new title')->slug->toEqual('new-title'); });
it('lists all posts', function () { Post::factory(12)->create(); getJson( route('api.posts.index'), )->assertOk()->assertJson(fn (AssertableJson $json) => $json->has(12)->etc(), ); });
所以我们正在创建 12 个新帖子,并确保当我们获得索引路由时,我们有 12 个帖子返回。除了将 count 传递给工厂方法,你还可以使用 count 方法:
it('shows the correct status for the posts', function () { Post::factory() ->count(2) ->state(new Sequence( ['status' => PostStatus::DRAFT->value], ['status' => PostStatus::PUBLISHED->value], ))->create(); getJson( route('api.posts.index'), )->assertOk()->assertJson(fn (AssertableJson $json) => $json->where('id', 1) ->where('status' PostStatus::DRAFT->value) ->etc(); )->assertJson(fn (AssertableJson $json) => $json->where('id', 2) ->where('status' PostStatus::PUBLISHED->value) ->etc(); ); });
你如何在应用程序中使用模型工厂?你有没有找到任何很酷的方法来使用它们?在 twitter 上告诉我们!